Samstag, 28. Juli 2007

Meeting people

Times goes and very day we meet more and more people who have an opinion about development aid in Bangladesh. Opinions sometimes are opposite to those that we are used to hear back in Russia and Germany.

2 days ago we met a friend of Gaetano, Ricardo, another Italian living in Bangladesh for the past 15 years. Ricardo is a missionary here. From the time that dinner started till the night we were talking about Grameen bank, hierarchical structure of Bangladesh and its influence on the system, “group” mentality of Bangladeshi people and etc. It was good to hear thoughts of someone who knows Bangladesh and its people very well already and at the same time has a “western” approach of percepting the reality.

Yesterday we had another opportunity to meet people and talk about the project. We were kindly invited to take part at the one of 65 Rotaract clubs of Dhaka. It was a meeting of RC Udayan that took place at the Pioneer Dental College and hospital. Bjoern was able to get in touch with the club through contacting one of the members via Facebook.

During the meeting we had an opportunity to present in brief our project “Transparency for development” and explain its basic structure.

I must say that we received a very warm welcome. We got flowers, club brochures, cd, postcards and moreover an invitation to join club's project on 3rd of August. The project is called Dental camp. What it is we'll write later.

2 Kommentare:

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from Tusec:

guys, you're so great! i'm really proud of what you're doing! i keep telling everybody i can about you research work, hoping that people find it interesting. ip till now everybody find it crazy =)) but they keep asking questions, so go on & update the blog!

Sashich, i miss you, my dear friend!

Anonym hat gesagt…

from Tusec:

guys, you're so great! i'm really proud of what you're doing! i keep telling everybody i can about you research work, hoping that people find it interesting. ip till now everybody find it crazy =)) but they keep asking questions, so go on & update the blog!

Sashich, i miss you, my dear friend!